Carbon2Cobalt Product Authenticity
Unfortunately, the counterfeit trade has expanded to every aspect of the apparel industry. Counterfeiters have become skilled at creating convincing advertisements and websites designed to lure you to counterfeit products.
The best way to ensure you're getting authentic Carbon2Cobalt products is to shop directly from our official website or by calling us at 805-687-7442. In addition, you can shop via our social media platforms or through one of our sponsored ads, but product authenticity can only be guaranteed if your shopping leads you directly to
We do not sell our products anywhere other than our official website or through our 805-687-7442 number. So use caution and be wary of websites claiming to offer our products with unusual endings such as .buzz .shop .top .best or customer service emails originating from,,
If you suspect you've seen fraudulent marketing of our products, please contact us at 805-687-7442 or email us at